Analysing embeddedness mechanism deeply with interlocking director network as carrier is rational response to embeddedness generalization and effective way to open black box of embeddedness. 并且以连锁董事网络为载体,深入剖析连锁董事网络嵌入性机理,也是对目前嵌入性研究泛化的理性回应,以及打开嵌入性黑箱的一种有效途径。
As with anything, interlocking director network is a double-edged sword, and embeddedness paradox exists. 同任何事物的两面性一样,连锁董事网络也是一把双刃剑,存在嵌入性悖论。
And interlocking director network has been a common phenomenon, so no matter from importance or generality, relevant researches are valuable. 再加上连锁董事网络已经成为我国经济社会发展中的一个日益普遍存在的现象,无论从重要性还是从普遍性而言都具有研究的必要性。